Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thems Kids Can Really Rake

Ryan Speier gives Damian Moss directions in the way of the rake.
(click pic to see pdf slides then click each slide to advance)

Make up your own caption:

Zen and the Art of Bullpen Mound Maintenance

Daniel San. Do 'rake the mound'!

Rake! Rake like the wind! Rake like you've never raked before!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mental E-5

10.12 Errors
The official scorer shall not score mental mistakes or misjudgments as errors unless a specific rule prescribes otherwise.

While watching the Rockies (Ian Stewart) butcher their way to a loss to the Angels last night PengoSports got to thinking, "why the fu*k not score something as a mental error?" Huh?! If you screw up you screw up. Mentally or physically should not matter. Why punish the pitcher for the brain-fart of another? It is time for the 'MENTAL ERROR' to be added to official scoring in baseball.

To the game:

In the 8th, with a man on first and no outs, Stewart fielded a sacrifice bunt, checked second base, saw no play, looked to first, double clutched and threw late to Todd Helton at first. No outs and men on first and second. That's a Mental E-5, or E-5 m. He spaced the speed of the batter and the double clutch caused the runner to be safe.

Next batter and another sacrifice bunt. Jimenez makes a great play off the mound, fields it, and whips it to an unprepared Stewart who fumbles his feet around, but not on, the bag and the runner is safe.
Mental E-5. The rest is vintage old Rockies and that was the end of another win streak.

This is not a rant against Ian Stewart or any one fielder. It is a rant against a crappy rule. Make a bonehead play and get an 'E'. The ball drops between two slack jawed fielders, shortstop and second base for example, the team gets a Team Mental Error, or E Team-6/4. Pitchers would be happier, fielders are accountable, stat whores have a field day, and the truth is finally told.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Champagne and Hotdogs

Overheard at a Colorado Springs Sky Sox game on a $2 Tuesday ($2 parking, $2 ticket, $2 beer, you get the picture):

"Before the Summer's out we got to get to that hot tub! You get like 12 (actually 8) people and they give you champagne and hotdogs and anything you want..."

World Famous Hot Tub - $300
  • 8 Tickets
  • Complimentary bottle of champagne
  • Commemorative Hot Tub T-Shirt
  • Catered meal featuring hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and Pepsi products
Contact Ryan Stos @ (719) 304-5615 for further details.

If that ain't livin' I don't know what is. Champagne and hotdogs. Hell yes! He forgot to bring up the free t-shirt. That was a man who knows the good life.

Colorado Springs Sky Chefs ready the world famous hot tub!