Most meals in the box are hit and miss. Hell, it's flippin' free so we can't bitch too much, except for the God damn IHOP! PANCAKES!!! You are a house of pancakes, so serve us some PANCAKES! Got it? OK. We will find out on Thursday, and so help me, if there aren't a whole sh*tload of pancakes waiting in the warming tray there will be a pancake related crime spree so huge that it will redefine how pancake related crime sprees are measured. Outback serves steak and chicken, and by God, when they cater, they serve, wait for it, STEAK & CHICKEN!
They even do chicken right! And veggies!
We'll all live an extra day because of those.
We'll all live an extra day because of those.
Cheese cake everytime! "God loves those who are right!"*
* An awesome quote from 1983 by one Scott Robinson. Who, frustrated after watching the Broncos getting continually jobbed by the refs, saw Denver finally get a break and score. Thus prompting Scott to scream this gem at the TV.