Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Small Fat Man...Handcuffed Himself to the Goal

While the staff here at PengoSports were a watching exciting English Premier League Tuesday soccer action on Fox Soccer Channel, Everton hosting Manchester City, just before halftime, to our stunned amazement this wonderful bit of weird happened:

From the Guardian (the best newspaper in the world):

8.42pm: There's a break in play at Goodison Park because a small fat man in a baseball cap has sauntered over to Joe Hart's goal and handcuffed himself to the post. It's been a very long day, but I'm pretty sure I'm not hallucinating. He's got his arms either side of the upright with the bracelets round each wrist.

8.44pm: At Goodison Park, the players are standing around looking bemused as lots of stewards and police try to release the bloke who's handcuffed himself to the post, as he tells them all to eff off! Somebody produces a key or bolt-cutters, the cuffs are removed and he's dragged away.

The half finally came, Everton 0 - Man City 0 - Short Fat Man 1.

UPDATED! Everton wins 1-0. Fat man in hat protests a shi*ty airline:

And now, for your pleasure, here's another freak in goal:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dude. Really? Duuuude.

Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh QB and what it seems, mob wise guy, has been sporting a wee fedora (or he just has a giant head) of late:

Good look? Really? He just looks like a tarted-up hipster. 

Here at PengoSports we have done a bit of digging and located a few of his previous looks:

Ben's Charles Lindbergh look that he sported while 
at the University of Miami Ohio. (This look did not catch on).

During his rookie season in Pittsburgh he embraced the "James Joyce" style that was so popular with all the young Steeler fans. It ranked right up there with the Terrible Towel at home games.

The bowler hat, also known as a coke hat, derby,  
billycock or bombĂ­n and when sported on Ben's giant head 
just looked silly. He only wore this for part of one pre-season.

 Ben, and friends, a the Million Hat March in Washington DC last Spring.

Experimenting with his current "Fedora" look. 
The scarf did not make the cut.

Ben Roethlisberger, a haberdasher's dream 
(and a national nightmare).

Which hat is next? Hmmmmm...