Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tu-Lo! Stink-Eye!

Troy Tulowitzki shot me with a Stink Eye!  Why?!  What did I ever do to him?  Granted I was taking his picture, so if he comes from some primitive culture he could believe that in my photographing him I am stealing his soul, but I hear he's from California and it's weird there but not that weird.  Maybe he hates me?  Maybe he is jealous that I get to sit around taking photos while he has to run around and chase a ball?  Hell, I don't know, but what I do know is that I DON'T LIKE STINK EYES!  Knock it off or else there'll be some trouble for you!  Like a curse!  A gypsy curse on that pretty hair of yours!  How'd you like to be bald?  Or have a Skullet?  Thought so.  
I receive the Stink Eye from the Tu-Lo

The future beckons Troy.  The future beckons.

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