Thursday, November 1, 2012

Don't Be That Guy

Hey Bronco Fans! If you are going to display the team logo don't be 'that guy' that butchers putting the horsehead and it ends up installed at a hella goofy angle:

Dude. This has been up for a long time.
You'd think once you found out you put it up wrong you'd fix it.
Saw this on a car a couple of days ago.
Really? You have a helmet sticker on the other side.
Didn't you take a peek to see how it was suppose to look.

How the logo should be displayed.
While we're at it let's just go back to this logo:

Sharp. Damn sharp.
 What d'ya say baby food jar Bronco family?

Let's goooooo Broncoooooos.
Let's go Broncos. LET'S GO!
PengoSports solution? Just don't put up a logo.

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