Friday, October 24, 2008

Aussie Rules in the USA

The US Footy Australian Rules Football National Championships were held at the Air Force Academy October 11-12. Teams from across the U.S., and Canada?, battled in four divisions, in the bitter cold, to see Vancouver, Division 1, and Calgary, Womens, crowned champions of United States Australian Football!?

Congrats go out to the Cougars and Kokaburras who were truly the class of the competition!

Aussie Rules, for those of you old enough to remember, was the crazy, smear-the-queeresque chaos shown on ESPN in the early 80's (before they started showing real sports like poker, eating contests, scrabble championships, spelling bees,
strong guy competitions, et al.). It is a game played on an oval 175 yards long x 155 yards wide by 18 a side teams where you can only pass the ball by kicking, or punching, it and can only score by kicking the ball through four poles. Kick it through the middle ones for 6, or through a middle and outer one for 1. It is fast, hard hitting and high scoring. The same as hockey, except for the scoring part (and skates, ice, sticks, helmets, pads...). And the goal judges look like lab techs or banana tycoons.

I think the banana guy use to be a Aussie Rules ref, or the Aussie Rule guy use to be a banana tycoon.

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