Monday, May 14, 2012

They Will Laugh At You

A classic. The gold standard for ball-shot cards.
Fresno Grizzlies pitcher, Mitch Lively, tried to bare hand a foul ball, booted it, and caught it in the junk for his troubles. Here is the aftermath of the play:

Yup. Right in the junk. Catcher Tyler LeTorre's shows concern for Mitch's well-being.
LeTorre's concern gets louder and more animated.
Pitcher Craig Whitaker, with the face palm, joins in.
Mitch tries to laugh it off...
...and fails... he takes a seat while the Unibomber giggles away next to him.
As a rule of thumb in sports, if you get hit in the testicles, besides the pain, expect this result:

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