Sunday, September 1, 2013

See You In April

Another season's in the books for the Sky Sox. A year that started with so much promise just kind of washed away in the rain (and cold and that dastardly torquing East wind). But hey, that's minor league baseball.

There's always next year!
Okay. Is baseball gone? Good, because it's time for FOOTBALL!

Maybe, just maybe, the most exciting
shot of a football field you'll ever see!
Hell! The only sports better than football are hockey; Aussie Rules; Rugby League; and some baseball; oh, and some soccer...blah, blah, blah. 

I'm bitter because I don't get the NFL RedZone with my free NFL Sunday Ticket package on DirecTV. Yes I get all the games, but I'll have to watch the boring stuff and work the clicker myself. Screw you Goodell! You're Satan!

As*holes! Don't you dare make me work while I watch TV

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