Monday, July 22, 2013


Omedetōgozaimasu Hakuho!
July's Grand Sumo Tournament
Makuuchi Division Champion
with a record of 13-2.

(Check out his web-card here)
Like Sumo? Did you watch any of July's Grand Sumo Tournament from Nagoya that the great Nakuho won? No? Want to watch September's tournament from Tokyo? Well TV Japan on Comcast (channels 199/963)/ Dish Network (channels 9989/9991) broadcasts each of the 6 Grand Sumo Tournaments LIVE! .

January - Tokyo
March - Osaka
May - Tokyo
July - Nagoya
September - Tokyo
November - Fukuoka

Granted, the LIVE coverage begins at 100am Mountain Time, but at least it's on. And it's LIVE! Sweet!
Nothing says Late Night TV like
LIVE Sumo broadcast in Japanese without subtitles
TV Japan's website.
Doesn't this site just POP?!
WOW! Here's my money!
PengoSports has spent a lot of late nights watching Sumo tournaments. They are always entertaining, but the commentary is only in Japanese so it takes a bit to pick up the nuance of each match.
Not too many dudes can pull off the paper belt look.
Looks like a slow dance at the Sumo School.
Can't help think that everyone watching is judging these two.
TV Japan costs $24.99 a month! We know that's a lot of Yen for TV you probably won't watch all that much. Instead go to YouTube for all your Sumo/strange Japanese TV needs:

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