Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A History of Shirling

The name of this blog is PengoSports. A pengo sport is any sport that is popular worldwide and does not register a pulse in the States. This is the story of one of the most obscure and bizarre sports that has been long lost to history, Shurling.

Shirling consisted of two teams of
five players each, chained together and circling around a platform upon was placed an African Cobra. The players continue to circle the snake until one by one they were picked off by the cobra spitting venom into their eyes.

It is rumored that Shirling dated back to the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve circled the serpent before eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, the knowledge fruit. But its true origin date back to 17th century Scotland where the nobles of the day would field teams of vassals circling newly imported cobras. Money was not only wagered on which team would win but on the number of players that were blinded or died.

The sport reached the Americas in the 1730's with different rules. The teams aspect was thrown out and it became a mano y mano battle to the death. Scottish Americans fought with native snakes. These snake could not spit venom, but only kill if they bit, so the players also used clubs on each other to gain the advantage and knock their opponent to the ground the the snake would have an easier time with their strike.

Shirling in 1700's America

Soon after the American Revolution the sport was banned in the U.S. and for a short time survive in Canada, but with the harsh Canadian winters the snakes needed for play could not survive and the game died out.

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