Sunday, September 7, 2008

Will the Broncos Suck Now or Later?

ESPN will ask the question, "Are you ready for some football?!", and I will answer, "Yes. Yes, I am ready for some football. So, if you please, show me the game and shut the f**k up!"

But instead of watching I will be blogging live to the audio of the ESPN Monday Night Football Broncos v. Raiders game. Why listen to the ESPN audio and not watch? Because you don't know how totally stupid the announcers sound until you have to listen to them without being distracted by the picture. I look forward, with dread, to all the cliches, misspeaks and lame-ass banter that goes into these fantastic events without the joy of watching the bright and shiny images.

As a Denver fan I am waiting to see if the Broncos will suck right from the start of the season or taunt us fans a bit and begin to suck later with a teasing playoff run and then the usual total collapse.

See you Monday night at 8:15 pm MDT.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

The Broncos will suck at some point, but only in the Shirling venue. I'm unable to see the latest images from the Kids in the Hall subject. And don't appreciate anything to do with Bass Players.