Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Annoying Bells Night

Monday night's giveaway at Security Service Field at Mile High? F#*%ing mini cowbells. Yup. Last night was Annoying Bells Night:

Get your stinkin', free, annoying bells here!
"I'll sign, but only if you get rid of them damn bells!"
The Sox lost 3-1 to the AAA Padres. It serves them right that they lost to a team of synchronized nose pickers like the Tucson.

The Olympics are only days away boys!
The Synchronized Nose Picken' gold is almost yours!
Now I hate mini-annoying bells almost as much as I hate Iceland...I hate Iceland...

...so I encouraged mascot extraordinaire, Sox the Fox, that he should liberate said annoying bells, stuff them in a sack and drop them in a dumpster. He was still all Bruce Wayne and not yet in the Batman suit so he just smiled and wandered away. Well, guess what? That no good bastard of a mascot went and fashioned himself a belt of the f*#%ing things and after his intro he hopped into the stands, sidled up behind me and commenced to clanging and rattling to wake the dead! I'd move and he'd find me again (granted there were only 12 people there due to a hella-wind/rain storm about an hour before 1st pitch so I was pretty easy to find). 

Clang away you damn over-sized rat. Where's my dCon?

A rat with an empty pizza box. Hello Templeton.
As I left the stadium I saw an apt metaphor, or something, for the evening:

Yeah! That's right! Nobody wants you! Have fun in the landfill you annoying piece of crap!
And since I'm on a rant here, who are the marketing geniuses that thought this one up?
Legendary Classic Rock. Brought to you by Big Large Huge Stuff.
 BOOOOOOOO!!! Boo to everything!

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