Friday, June 8, 2012

Mailing This One In

Manny made it. Manny didn't play. It was supposed to rain, rain, rain. It only rained (started it the 4th and the game was suspended). It was suppose to hail. It hailed. On the drive home that hail broke my f*#%kin' windshield. I probably should care. I don't. Windshields are so over-rated. Now here is what happened Wednesday in...  

Manny didn't not sign any autographs, but he did pretend bat alot and, for a while, chewed on a sunflower seed bag.

Manny eating the seeds bag. Get it! Get it Manny!
This guy came in to much fanfare...

Hey! It's Rick from Pawn Stars! Wait. I have to call a buddy on this... least minor league baseball fanfare. He was dressed as John McClane from Die Hard and announced as Bruce Willis here to throw out the 1st pitch. He looked like a dude that looked like Rick from Pawn Stars pretending to be Bruce Willis playing John McClane from Die Hard. Meh. 
...nope. Just a guy impersonating Rick from Pawn Stars
impersonating Bruce Willis from Die Hard
throwing out the 1st pitch.  Why?

During the anthem Manny spit and reached for something in his back pocket (not finding anything).

Manny being Manny while spitting on my logo!
He then spent most the game pretend to bat, actually he just stood there in his stance. I never saw him swing.

Manny pretend hitting in the dugout. Look at the focus! Just look at it!
This impersonating stuff is getting out of hand.
Here is Manny impersonating Captain Jack Sparrow
impersonating Manny's batting stance.

Then someone told me that Rockies' manager Jim Tracy was in the house. I shot a picture of him eating.

Rockies skipper Jim Tracy just out and out destroying some type of sandwich.
Could it be a Philly?
Then the rain came. The umps called the game after a 13 minute rain delay. I drove home and my windshield got smacked by giant hail and it is now cracked.

That weather? It came it the 4th.
Crap broke my windshield. Insert curse words here...


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