Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tebow's In The House!

Would you look who was in the Sky Sox dugout chatting with Tyson Any'tizers spokesplayer Reid Brignac on July 10th:

Reid Brignac gets some hairstyling advise from the master,
Tim Tebow, while Lars Davis moves to escape before
his hair ends up looking the same way.
It's Tim Tebow! Yes! Tebow-Time and his Friar Tuck haircut! You know? The Tibus! Oh, lucky us! Lucky, lucky us!

It was almost as exciting as the day when
TWO Tim Tebows came to a game! TWO TEBOWS!
And Tim is a brave man to still be sporting that haircut from 2010, but try as he might, he'll never top the Back-of-the-Head-Faceman. Dude was epic.

Still, by far, the best all time hair style to grace
Security Service Field at Mile High.

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