Saturday, April 13, 2013

Heil Hotdog

Shooting the mascot roundup at the stadium the other day when Hotdog Brien busts out the fascist salute! He went full Heil Hotdog on us!

Hotdog Nazis. I hate Hotdog Nazis.
How could this happen? Just how did this Lord Voldemort of Hotdog mascots come to live among us? Where did he come from? And what was his ultimate plan? The answers are disturbing. Everything about his Hotdog past, Like Otto von Bismark said, "Hotdog Brien? It is better not to dig too deep into his dark, sordid past." Screw Bismark! The truth must be told! Here is his resume of evil:

In 1890 he helped with the assassination of some French general.
The President McKinley assassination?
Yep. He was in on that!
Guess that bastard Hotdog was a Nazi.
A no good, dirty Nazi scum!
And he was in the inner circle of some
of the World's more heinous, evil men.

Like this dude.

Here is Hotdog Brien, following the direct orders of Hitler and Mussolini,
trying to stop the production of the Chaplin anti-fascist classic,
The Great Dictator.

Idi Amin counted Hotdog Brien as one of his closest advisers.
As did Kim Jong-il (nothing to confirm this but we bet he's helping
Kim Jong-un drive his crazy train right off the tracks).
Saddam? They were like brothers. Brothers I tell ya!
And finally, Hotdog Brien his a dear friend, and close confidant of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Dude looks like Schneider the handyman from One Day At A Time.
How scary can he really be?
With fiends like Hotdog Brien wandering among us are any of us truly safe? Dark days are upon us. Dark days indeed.

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