Saturday, August 24, 2013

Star Fest Tonight!

Hey guys, we're standing next to a girl!
Attention NERDS! Grab your Tang, and your Spacefood Sticks, because the crowd at tonight's Sky Sox game is going to be full to the brim with your brethren as the team pays tribute to those loveable space losers from that Simon Pegg movie, Star Trek. There will be space battles, space intrigue and probably some space love too. Set your phasers for FUN! and come see some space stuff at the ballyard Security Service Spacestation at a lot of Miles High.

I like Bad Kirk. Now that's a dude I could hangout with.

BONUS! The real spacestation, ISS can be seen tonight from the stadium -

8:33 PM, Visible: 4 min, Max Height: 88 degrees, Appears: NW, Disappears: SE

Juan José Ibarretxe, cuyo parecido con el Señor Spock
ha sido frecuentemente comentado, rodeado de militantes
y candidadatos de su partido disfrazados de trekkies
durante un acto de campaña de las elecciones autonómicas
de 2009 que coincidió en fechas con los Carnavales.
El equipo del lehendakari on WikiCommons
Yes! To whatever that text below the picture of Senor Spock says! It's goes double for us!

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